Hey, welcome to my blog. I've recently started a Creative Writing Class. I've always wanted to be a better writer. I want to learn, or at least get better at, making the words flow, conveying meaning, and evoking emotion. Sometimes when I read other's words, I see art! I feel inspired! Then when I go back to read mine... eh. My voice has never had the movement that I desire in my writing. I'll admit sometimes I'll just start writing and the words just start comming and I can't write them down fast enough, but I don't feel that my true meaning is ever completly expressed. I hope that this class will be able ot help me with this goal.
As for myslef? I'm a pretty casual layed-back kind of person. I've never really felt impressed to change the world and make some kind of huge diffrence to human kind, but I do want to make an impression on the people I come in contact with. I want to be remembered. I want to be the quiet possitive influence in someone's life. Big goal, but you have to admit it would be totaly cool to be remembered instead of forgotten though time.
Anyway, I hope that who ever reads this won't be too horribly bored by my rants on life. Hope you keep reading!