Sunday, April 3, 2011

The story in a song

Two completely different songs that tell of life and not letting you pass it by with out those special moments that remind you what life is really all about.
Sk8ter Boi by Avril Lavinie:
  1. Plot: Boy likes girl, girl blows off guy, guy finds cooler girl, original girl regrets choice.
  2. Setting: The past, the present, high school, a concert.
  3. Characters: Sk8ter boi, pretty girl, Avril.
  4. Conflict: He was a skater boy, she said see ya later boy, he wasn't good enough for her...
  5. Theme: Don't let pride stand in the way of life. Don't let life pass you by, you'll miss out of a lot. Regret sucks.
Christmas Shoes by Bob Carlisle:
  1. Plot: Boy tries to buy some shoes for his dying mother on Christmas eve
  2. Setting: Christmas eve, a store check out line
  3. Characters: the boy, man in line, cashier, Mama, the boys dad
  4. Conflict: the boy doesn't have the money for the shoes, but hes wants "mama to look beautiful if mama meets Jesus tonight"
  5. Theme: Be grateful for what you have. Be charitable. Have the Christmas spirit with you always.
Just saying, if "Christmas Shoes" doesn't make you feel something, you have no soul!


  1. both of those songs are amazing. You described what they meant very well. Good job:)

  2. i think i'm gonna have to listen to "christmas shoes" now... but probably when it's christmas time or snowing outside.. which will probably be tomorrow since the weather is jacked. anyways... good job!! I should've done mine the same outline as yours haha

  3. like it! i like the way you wrote this. it was funny to read
